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Hi! I'm back! This is my new home. I moved here since no one will take care of me. Also, I hope all of you will love to hang out with me!

Scraps the Orphan

Yay! Yay! Yay! Someone had just found out where I used to live! I can't wait to hear all about my own life! 

Since i hit my head, i can't remember where I came from. Waaaaaaa... The person did not tell me yet if it is a boy or girl, but he/she said the story is going to get shipped to me on September 1st. Meanwhile, i wish you can all give me some stories of how I grew up or how I got my name. Then top ten stories will be submitted in the top ten Huskey VIP page! i hope you will enter!

       ~ Scraps

Today is 8/1 allow me to tell u a little about myself! I am Scraps the huskey! I think... I don't really know what kind of dog i am... Sad... I wish i knew... If you know, Please tell me in the contacts section. I wish we can all be good friends...

Yay! Yay! Yay! My package has arrived! The following says:

    Dear Scraps, 

Your mother is doing very well now and is living in a castle full of dogs just like you. Anyways, this is what happened...

Long ago, (in dog years that is) your poor mother was caputered by a evil scientist that used animals in experiments. Very dreadful... Anyway, she told you to run and since you always did what your mother said, you ran like the wind and escaped. After running lots of miles, you reached a junkyard and was captured by the fat and overweight guy that ran the stinky place. He looked at you with an evil grin on his face that tells you that he is up to no good. Day by day, he made you work until you collapsed and fed you nothing but scraps. That's where your name came from. But one day, you managed to flee from the horrible place. But you saw that he was catching up and tripped over a rock and fell off a cliff. This is where you bumped your head. You got taken by a girl and was healed. Then, she sent you here. Oh yeah, and I know you forgot about me, but I will visit you in a few days. I was a orphan too. but I can remember clearly of what happened to my parents. You might not recall, but both I, your father, and my parents were slain by the human birds. I had tried to get revenge ever since that day.

See you around!            ~ Slush       

Yay! Slush is coming today! I'm so happy! Oh I wonder what I should play with him... Oh yeah... I also sent him a note about when he should come here.                                                                                  


                                                      Author's note: 

     Just scroll down a little and you will see Slush!                          

Edited and Revised by Nancy Zuo

Hi! Hi! It has been such a long time! Oh I missed you so much! Oh yeah and Scraps, I got your letter and I really need to say: What?! I can't belive you! I'm a girl! How dare you call me a boy?! Your so rude!!!!! Gosh...

I'm so glad to meet an old pal! Oh... sorry about that... But your name and the "revenge" part in the letter you gave me made you sound like a boy... Will you forgive me? "does begging eyes and whimpers"

What?! Did you just call me old?! I'm only 5 years old! ( And yes, I'm using dog years or else I will be 30 years old... "shivers")Just kidding! I know what you mean... Yah... I also terribly angry with how they named me... I mean, why can't named me somthing more girly, like Snow? And yes I forgive you... I mean, that's what friends are for right? And I know you are going to ask where your mom is. So, just to save your  breath, I'll tell you right know. Your mother is at this castle made of gold and dimonds that is about 2 mountains north then a rope bridge west. Not that far... That is, if you can run nonstop like Spot and I. And I know you well. You are NOT the kind of person that runs a lot. So I will ask your mom the go on her plane thingy ( which is just a big bird) and visit you. It might take a while, but she will get here soon. Maybe 1 or 2 months or so. Ok... I'll stop talking. Your turn!

ZzzzZZzzzZzzZZzzzz... Huh? huh? Did I miss anything? "blushes" Oh... Now I recall. Yah... Or they could have named you Winter or something! Thank you... And yup! How did you know that I was going to say that? Wow... that's far...  Yah... I guess I'll just have to wait... "yawns" I'm tired... Do you want to hav a sleepover? I got doggy treats too!

Gosh... Your as lazy as you were before you hit your head... You know, I think you have a better taste of names than me...

I think a sleepover will be wonderful! "yawns" Good night!

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